ADX stands for average directional index. Its value ranges from 0 to 100.

As its name implies ADX is used to measure directional movement. Its value is derived from 2 other indicators +DI and -DI.

In this blog, I will provide list of Singapore Market Stocks based on
1. 13 Period ADX > 20
2. 13 Period +DI crosses over -DI.
3. 13 Period +DI crosses under -DI.
4. Volume trade > 100,000 shares

One important thing to note is I am using freely available stock price information for computing the ADX indicator. The price information is not adjusted for stock dividends and split.

Singapore RSI Scanner
Singapore MACD Scanner
Singapore Trend Analysis
Singapore Trading System

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Scan 21 Sep 2021

Symbol TypeDateClose PriceVolume13 Day ADX13 Day +DI13 Day -DI
Baker TechnologyLong9/21/20210.37560025.024438
TeleChoice IntlLong9/21/20210.172000022.814935
Raffles Infrastructure^Short9/21/20210.175280021.723239
Sing Inv & FinShort9/21/20211.47420026.783638
USP Group^Short9/21/20210.04810025.513141

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